Category: Hosting

  • Google’s acquisition undertaking for Fitbit buy failed to gain Australian Regulatory Support

    Google’s acquisition undertaking for Fitbit buy failed to gain Australian Regulatory Support

    Eight months ago, we had seen this news circulating around that Google gobbled up fitness tracker firm Fitbit worth of $2.1 billion. Google is planning to acquire Fitbit, but it still needs to assure Australian regulators that their acquisition won’t cause any sort of competition or privacy issues. Unfortunately, their draft was knocked back by…

  • The Dynamics Of Best WordPress Hosting

    The Dynamics Of Best WordPress Hosting

    WordPress is widely used to build website content and management systems in the world. These sites are powering the users ranging from personal bloggers to small business owners even in the global spanning corporation. WordPress is one of the best platforms that can be used by both new users. And experienced developers without any cost,…